Monday 3 May 2010

Jack Frost

Jack Frost
Directed by Michael Cooney
Starring Scott Macdonald, Shannon Elizabeth & Christopher Allport

So before i start this is a film I personally have seen a 100 times so this review is bias! So you can stop reading now if you like.... Lets just start by saying this is a BAD film in every sense over the top acting really bad effects he doesnt even look like a snow man!? but sometimes things get so bad they become good again and Jack Frost is a prime example!

The story begins with a young girl being told the story of Jack Frost a killer travelling across america killing people and ends with his capture then skips forward to Jack being taken to his execution, on the way there an accident occurs in which an acid hits jacks skin melting him down into the snow. Later he discovers an ability to freeze himself back into snow taking on the form on a snow man and goes after the man who arrested him! simple really?

Ok the story is dumb but most monster movies are right? this is a film where even the director went overboard using sound clips and skipping to shots earlier in the film when characters are thinking about them as if they are dramatic but instead just make you go ive seen that scene 5 times already haha, seriously even thinking about this film makes me laugh repeated jokes YES characters instead of being funny tell jokes like "whats the difference between snowmen and snow women? snow balls" literally christmas cracker jokes.

But like I said I love watching this its face paced its not trying to be anything its not the acting isn't bad just the script that fails them, well that and the fact they are fighting a huge snow man. The kills are rad jokes are bad, characters are fun and so much to just enjoy when you are bored if you can just shut your brain off for 90 mins you will get something out of this movie I garantuee it!

I'm gonna stick my neck out and say SEE IT! i really dont think youll regret it long as you have some mates with you and a couple drinks your set for a great night in.

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