Saturday 1 May 2010


THE RUINS (2008)
Directed by Carter Smith
Starring Jonathon Tucker & Jena Malone
Before watching this movie i had no idea of the story and hadn't really heard much about this film just that Ben Stiller (as in Zoolander) was the producer which kinda intrigued me what with Feast having Matt Damon and Ben Affleck on board! So I thought what the hell
The film jumps straight in introducing you to a group of early 20 somethings on holiday when they meet a german who tells them of an Aztec pyramid he will be meeting family at, Of course the friends want to tag along! When they arrive they find themselves trapped within a quarantined zone and the local villages wont let them leave and are forced to stay on the pyramid.
This probably doesn't sound very interesting but trust me its really fast paced at this point then it all slows as they realise its a plant that lives on the land that the villagers really fear and they should too as it tries to inhabit your body!
This film work on how grim and evil the violence is alot of cutting and bone breaking as they fade away as people and slowly go insane it kind of reminded me of cabin fever but alot more serious and the visuals on the violence were alot more extreme.
speaking of the visuals this film looks STUNNING i watched the blu ray of this and let me tell you its really clear and colourful which is unusual for a fairly dark and depressing film... which it one of the main reasons this film stood out to me.
the acting was ok no stand out characters or performances but it certainly wasn't a bad effort on anyones part.
all in all this is a good effort at being original but a film about a killer plant i guess isn't for everyone so i can only say SEE IT for this title its well worth it especially if you want to see some truely grim deaths.

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