Saturday 8 May 2010

Paranormal Activity

Paranormal Activity
Directed by Oren Peli
Starring Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat

I avoided this movie for a long long time because of all the hype surrounding it and the fact i dont think i have ever been scared by this type of movie with added shakey cam i thought i was in for nothing but a hellish ride of jump scares but i bit the bullet and sat through what turned out to be a pretty good movie?

firstly this was done on like the lowest budget EVER there are no real special effects there are no stars in this its all set in one house even! this is a true indie film so onto the story a couple constantly have the feeling they are being watched/haunted so one day Micah (yep used their own names) decides to get a video camera and tape EVERYTHING so if anything happens he can rewind and check it out. Then of course they start seeing doors move and weird noises etc. they call in a spiritualist who says that it may infact be a demon and by him being there and the camera rolling that it could anger the beast so they should stop investigating at once. Micah continues even tho Katie begs him to stop which leads to things getting worse and worse until the end... which i wont spoil

The acting is at a pretty high standard considering they aren't proffesionals and the camera work isnt shakey to a headache standard (like cloverfeld or blair witch) it progresses at a nice pace and kept my attention with added moments of humour and the couples drama. It's not a terrifying movie like the adverts and tv spot make out it just so you sit up at night looking around checking you haven't got the same problems as them more of a head fuck than a gruesome blood bath.

I gotta say there wasnt much to dislike apart from the fact this isn't typically my type of film i think if you like all those Ghost Hunt/Most Haunted you would get a real kick out of this tho!

SEE IT everyone i know has a different opinion on this film so its just to actually get yours dont just judge it by trailers it may just suprise you!

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