Saturday 1 May 2010

Wolf Creek

Wolf Creek (2005)
Directed by Greg Mclean
Starring John Jarratt, Cassandra Magrath & Kestie Morassi
I had heard mixed things leading up to finally watching this movie some amazing reviews and some awful ones so after seeing this Aussie horror in a bargain bin i toke the plunge and i gotta say this is right up my street!
It toke a while to get into the story and what was going on but the amazing surroundings of the outback and the suprisingly likeable characters kept me watching! the basic story is 2 english back packers and their Australian friend are travelling across Australia when they are travelling through miles of outback.
when all of a sudden there newly aquired car just stops working complete as does there watches so just as they plan to spend the night in the car and look for help in the morning a toe truck pulls up with mick who is a seemingly nice bloke willing to help them for no cost.
so the 3 follow him to his local shack where he promises to fix the car and save the day only to wake tied up gagged and ready for slaughter...
this is when i was like wow and the film really does flip you on its head it has a very chainsaw massacre feel to it and alot of twists and turns also the violence is a little more than graphic! while it all seems like a normal day at work to ol' mick shamefully the ending isnt as exciting as it could of been but as its based on true events they had to end it how it happened which in many ways makes a grim film feel even more horrible!
the way its shot is great real 70s dirty cheap nastey feel! and from all the Australian horror movies ive watched this is by FAR the best acting wise too.
THIS IS HORROR tho this is DEFFINATELY not for everyone but if you like late 70's horrors this is deffinately a BUY IT in my eyes this is one of the best horrors ive seen in recent times.

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