Saturday 8 May 2010

A Nightmare On Elm Street (2010 remake)

A Nightmare On Elm St
Directed by Samuel Bayer
Starring Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara & Kyle Gallner

So it's finally out a film that was actually eagerly awaited people excited to see how they would update and what they would change! but wow we never could of expected this they changed virtually EVERYTHING making this nearly original but does that make a good thing? Not in this case they virtually spoilt everything i loved about the first but there was some things i liked just not enough to make this picture work.

The story in this version we follow four people 2 guys 2 girls (one of the girls being nancy) as all 4 are having these weird dreams it follows the same kind of patterns as the first as they get picked off one by one they start remembering the story of freddy (yep remembering because this time they knew the dude!) instead of remembering it all tho Freddy makes them remember with dreams. Until of course they start working on a plan how to stop him a sort of plot change in this version tho as they are unsure in the memories if his death was called for or not as they were five year old telling parents a man abused them.

so what did they change?

  1. He was not a child murderer he was a peadophile / child abuser

  2. Nancy is not the main focus but four of the children he abused

  3. The parents in this one seem to not care at all about their kids
In my eyes these changes RUINED the film but what did they change that worked?

new Freddy played by Jackie Earle (Watchmen) so they said no one could replace Robert Englund by my god he was insaney creepy actually looking like a burns victim was a HUGE step and to add a deep groaning voice was another but to have him making jokes about raping/killing/crushing them showing them their dead friends. This Freddy came across as one not to be taken to lightly! Secondly the dream sequences in this were intense ok they were riddled with annoying jump scares loud bursts of music and cameras spinning which tended to make them annoying but the look and feel of being in a post apocalyptic version of where you were already well.... it really worked for me.

As much as i would hate to say this but a sequal to this if they could sort all the mistakes they made out could possibly make a pretty decent film! the look of this film was great! the music was awesome! the story was where they went wrong adding twists and turns when we all know the outcome just dont work! the acting left ALOT to be desired felt more like typical teen american  drama acting. only two people stood out Jackie Earle and Clancy Brown (starship troopers/Shawshank Redemption) who played the father who led the mob to Fred Kruegers death both the most known actors in them film too which says it all really.

Deffinately a RENT i would say avoid but films like this linger if you dont see it you will always see and think how bad can it be? Its worth it just for the few good performances.

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