Saturday 1 May 2010


Triangle (2009)
Directed by Christer Smith
Starring Melissa George

I heard so much about this last year at fright fest i had to see it! so i went to great lengths to get a screener copy... then I heard a few bum reviews but this film is a HEAD FUCK and that is why I love it.

so the begining/middle/end of the film is a bunch of people going on a boat for a summers day sail the captain of the ship knows everyone but not everyone knows eachother when a storm hits and the the ship is left upside down with everyone on top except one when a cruise liner picks them up. When on board they realise there is no one around but themselves.... then you realise the whole story is on loop when they die from the previous versions of the themselves or kill them old versions a new batch arrive.

you think its confusing reading what im writing? try watching the movie! Melissa George seems to be the only person who has memory of whats going on so she is trying to solve this puzzle

i really can't say much about else about the story because to be honest im still trying to work it out ive watched it 3 times now im still not 100% all i know is everytime i watch it i find a new reason to love it small details on walls, sounds in the background it was all thought out so well its truely amazing alot of people say it ripped off TIME CRIMES and altho similar but this really does stand out as a modern classic to me.

The way this is shot and re shot planned over and layered etc. it truely is a polished well cut epic horror! as for the acting Melissa George in another great movie? stand out character in 30 days of night and paradise lost now this i hope this lady keeps in business!

DEFFINATE BUY IT altho you may hate it for confusing you, ive never watched a film that is so easy to re watch!

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